
Showing posts from 2018

Conceited self

There are greater things than you and me, Oceans rise & mountains crumble we sit in our opposite corners and dwell,   over broken promises, and fallen dreams   the soil swells up with our sins,   the sky chokes up by the smoke of our breath as our disdain of each other grows, as we remain married to the belief it’s the other mistake   resolving our souls from any evil, for we can not be wrong   

Making empty promises

At dinner we setup the plates, we sat setting plans, we were hopeful..with slim chances we carried on.. nothing came of it all, not even tomorrow We made up stories of great discoveries, one i'd lead and ones you'd carry on, we would make the world better for all, but you ended and every thing ceased..  We read the same books with warriors of extraordinary skills, a clan of mighty men, yet they could not save you, and like every thing else, their stories continued while yours ended.... Oh friend we still have dinner, read books and make plans...and you remain absent 

Things that slither

The dragon was always lurking in the shadows slithering through his way that gives him his menacing aura, which is only enhanced by his half open lids, creepy looks.. he stand tall to only breathe out the swirling smoke from a fire that the ages have taken away from him... a legend that can't be sustained as the legacy is depleted.  There is sunken snake that slithers its way up to the surface,   despite the depth of the sea in which it dwells,   it manages to find its way when the waves settle and the silence washes in, i have been always good at weighing it down and having it sink again,   but this time it comes up dragging new creatures along with it;   ones i haven’t seen before but ones that scare me more than the snake himself..

Tell me your story...

Let me tell you about a place i've been, a place i've seen... A place that took the last breath away, A place that was the hope of one day...It is a square of no great history, no battles nor glory... It is a place were the story ends, in midst of the simplest lands. What if this all that your story amounts to?  a story of nothing spectacular, the norm is what it abides to, and the lead character was not of my creation, i've scribed down the details of that life in the walls that surrounds the nerves that builds up my existence. In peace i existed with little conflicting reasoning, i was because i was, i had no greater meaning for the life i had. merely a ripple in time.  What if you are not even the lead character in your own life story? I am an extension of existence I occupy a space in time I live as I breathe, I die as I cease …

No thank you, don't take a picture of me

What happens when u pose for a picture, does that snap entraps your soul in a digital existence, are you hence never forgotten. What is it about ourself worth that is so significant to be immortalized in some manner. I do not like this business of having my picture floating in the realm of cyber space. I do not want my face to be known before we ever meet; i do not care for you to research me, for i have no claim of greatness to be worth the documented reference. No matter what advances you make to the human race it is the idea that remain and not the man behind the idea. Some names carry on as the creators named their contribution to humanity in their own names, earned vanity at its peak. I do not want you to remember my face, remember my soul my spirit, for my face and my body were just vessels of my existence.  

I know of one ...

I know of one that is pliable as molding clay that never hardens, every change you’d note you shall not look far and shall find the stream of change close by constantly. In essence she is a mere reflection of her surrounding, with so little truth of her is ever shown, she is the luckiest of them all, for her true self will never be scrutinized, and she can shed her current self for the next new change...yet i can say i've never truly known her.  I know of one who once got into wet concrete and since then it dried up, and she is still there. Time might pass, life evolves and she remain stuck in her ways. People move on and she remains surprised every time. She strongly holds onto her principles on her beliefs and grounds. She have no growth to show for other than the her own shadow that move & grows longer & shorter in a very reliant matter as a sun dial , on the slab of concrete she is surrounded by... i have since moved passed. 

When the moon doesn't shine.

There is a face that peers in, in a timely manner after the 14th, some months it seems worried and the dark circles seem hollower and other times it seems brighter than the sun itself with eyes filled with pride. Once she was here with the many now she oversees from above, she might not be a frequent visitors, but she always looms around. We get a glimpse once in a month and she leaves us with a million and one interpretations, for a visit in couple of weeks that re-questions all the assumptions we have formed. You wait eager for the 14th for more than a chance encounter, for you've planned your spot in darkest of spots, for all the light you want she will emit, yet there are those pesky condensing water particles   that call themselves clouds that come in between. The sky is covered up with what would been white cottony fluff in the daylight, but now seems to be just a grey void, that is holding what you seek & feeds the abyss that her absence has created.