When the moon doesn't shine.

There is a face that peers in, in a timely manner after the 14th, some months it seems worried and the dark circles seem hollower and other times it seems brighter than the sun itself with eyes filled with pride. Once she was here with the many now she oversees from above, she might not be a frequent visitors, but she always looms around. We get a glimpse once in a month and she leaves us with a million and one interpretations, for a visit in couple of weeks that re-questions all the assumptions we have formed.

You wait eager for the 14th for more than a chance encounter, for you've planned your spot in darkest of spots, for all the light you want she will emit, yet there are those pesky condensing water particles   that call themselves clouds that come in between. The sky is covered up with what would been white cottony fluff in the daylight, but now seems to be just a grey void, that is holding what you seek & feeds the abyss that her absence has created.


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